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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
7:25 PM
0 commented

Monday, August 17, 2009

♥ 无法调整的思绪


还有, 趙又廷很帅。




Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
4:56 PM
0 commented

Sunday, August 2, 2009

♥ Kaki Blued

I can't find the cable for my camera. So I can't upload any pictures from it.
Sigh. Things keep running away from me... =(

Anyway, I went to KLPAC yesterday to watch Kaki Blue.
I love the surroundings of KLPAC. It felt very out of kl kind of thing.
Good place to take wedding photos. Haha!

So when it was time, we went in and the hall wasn't really full. So someone told us we could move to the seats in front. So ppl started moving. As we were quite front already (yes, if you know my dad, you should be able to guess that my dad is a big fan of someone in the musical, hence the quite front >.<), we just moved to the center to get a better view.

The show was not bad. Their voices were pretty good.
I like the voice of the guy who sang monday monday.
And and I think major sabar and shan were really good.
Their character fits the role perfectly well.

There were some parts where they spoke in BM.
My mom who doesn't understand BM was so blur.
I had to translate for her.
But my BM is equally bad lar.

So the translations goes like:
"Er, he just said heroes and heroines, something, go back to your camp, er, something,"
Sorry la, sometimes can't catch what they say.
And it's hard to concentrate and translate at the same time.
So I just left my mom to guess what they were saying.

Overall we had a good time la.
Response from the crowd was not bad.
People clapped and laughed together. Mostly young people la.
I saw a lady who sang along with them. Hmmm..

It's kinda nice to see the people around my age doing things they like.
Like getting involved in a musical.
Seems like they are having tons of fun.

Well, it's a great way to spend a night...
Pretty enjoyable...
And you get to know about NS...
Although I don't know how much of it is true lar...


Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
2:50 PM
0 commented

Saturday, August 1, 2009

♥ Never!!

If TVXQ really breaks up, that would be the day.

They're worth so much money for being so succesful.

And they're still so famous.

I don't think they'll break up.

They won't do that to us right?

Cassiopeias will go crazy...

Will I?

I think I've passed that stage.



Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
11:56 PM
0 commented

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

♥ I finally blog again! =)

Dear Pentabloggers,

Well, first of all sorry for not blogging since April >.< (paiseh). I totally have no idea what am I suppose to blog about.
So let's have a refresh what had we been doing lately. Well, we finally get to meet up with Chieng Yee since she left to Melbourne. Totally miss her lots! She didn't changed a lot..still the same lovely Chieng Yee as she used to be. The first thing we did was K (as usual)..then we had a nice dinner together. Had so much fun chatting especially on certain topics...haha...4 of us should just keep it to ourself, right?! (I know you girls will definately agree on this) So after dinner, what we did was camwhore all the way till we had to leave. Apparently got this guy offered to take a pic for us...so paiseh...cos we were actually camwhoring in front of him. My head look bigger in most of the pics due to certain reason... so enjoy looking at some of the pics we took on that day....

Love you girls lots! =)

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
12:09 AM
0 commented

Monday, July 27, 2009

♥ The end of July

I'm gonna talk about random stuff:

1) Oh, my story is back on track! After sooo long. Yea, I bet only a few people know what I'm talking about right now =)

2) This month have been so so la, quite chill in the beginning but when math tests came, woah, big wake up call. Obviously TIME FOR ME TO START STUDYING.

3) Yea, classes just come and go everyday...

And I'm starting to give up on my diet plan. HAH!

4) I think this blog lost it's purpose...

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
9:11 PM
0 commented

Saturday, July 18, 2009

♥ Do they ever eat?

Look at those legs!!

Im just gonna believe everything's plastic...


Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
11:12 AM
0 commented

♥ All About The Girls ;

    Chieng Yee
    Li Chun
    Sun Siew
    Ern Ying

♥ Quotes ;

    It's just about us...

♥ leave me a comment

♥ Take A Look At The Past<3